360 solar panels important step to eco-friendly future
"Our goal is to be climate-neutral in 2022"
EBO van Weel’s roof mounted solar energy park is 360 solar panels large. This project is a major step in the ambitious goal of the company to be climate-neutral in 2022.
The greenest of green
EBO van Weel has also found an eco-friendly solution for the energy it uses during the nights and dark days: its electricity is coming from wind energy harvested by Dutch offshore wind farms.

On the climate-neutral shortlist of EBO van Weel is the replacement of the fluorescent lighting by energy-efficient LED lighting. This will result in an energy reduction of 50%, but also in cost savings, because the lighting is normally off when the sun is shining.
These additional savings will probably result in a surplus of harvested energy. With this surplus EBO van Weel might become a local energy supplier for the Albrandswaard region.